About Wooded Shores
Wooded Shores
The Wooded Shores Subdivision is incorporated into the Village of Wonder Lake, villageofwonderlake.org. We are located on the east side of our private Lake, The subdivision is approximately one mile north of State Route 120 off of east Wonder Lake Road in McHenry County, Illinois.
well established
We are a well established, small residential subdivision, platted in 1935 by Grover Wickline, one of the early developers of the residential areas that surround Wonder Lake.
outstanding features
The outstanding features of our subdivision include mature ash, hickory, oak and walnut trees and a private beach, park, pier and boat ramp located on the east shore of Wonder Lake.
first registered
The Wooded Shores Property Improvement Association, Inc was first registered with the State of Illinois as a not-for-profit corporation in 1945.

wooded shores properties
deeded access
Every property in our subdivision has deeded access to the lake, a private 830 acre recreational reservoir created in 1929 by the construction of a dam across the Nippersink Creek, nippersink.org. The Lake is managed by the Master Property Owners Association, Inc., wlmpoa.org. Nippersink Creek is the largest tributary to the Fox River and one of the few remaining high quality streams in IL.
The Wooded Shores subdivision was annexed following the 2002 annexation of the lake into the Village of Wonder Lake. The annexation has enabled us to develop a road reconstruction program for the 2 miles of road right of way.